Sunday, January 3, 2016

Propagating new plants for a new year...

Before we get our first official freeze here in Central Texas, I went wandering through the garden and gathered up a box of cuttings from some of my favorite annual plants and then spent a few hours in the greenhouse.
I got my tools and materials together and set about prepping the cuttings, trimming leaves, making long, clean cuts and giving everyone a dip into the rooting hormone.
Nice and toasty warm, with plenty of humidity and a controlled temperature, the cuttings should grow happily in the greenhouse over the next few months of winter.
When spring arrives, I'll enjoy having some great little starter plants to replace the annuals I lost through the winter, or to expand planting of some of my favorites.
Can you tell what I planted?
Some plants are easier to identify than others.
This one is an easy ID, but also one of my faves.
Now let's see if I can keep them all alive all winter.  Fingers crossed!


  1. What a pretty greenhouse and how nice to have a place to putter in relative warmth. While cold winter temperatures haven't been an issue here for several years, that changed this winter. My poor cuttings (which also include some Plectranthus) are shivering in a corner of the open garden right now. Best wishes for a happy new year Diana!

  2. You are so good! I just pinch and plunk and hope for the best. I knew the plants in the last two photos of cuttings but not the first two photos. But I got clues from your tags!

  3. I've been thinking of doing this for days. Just didn't get out and do it. Now 28 this morning.
    It's been as cold already, and didn't freeze everything back..trees protected. Maybe I was lucky again.

  4. Kris - The greenhouse is fun - it allows me to grow lots of sub tropical things in my garden and I really enjoy that. Happy New Year to you as well, Kris!

    Caroline -- oh, it was just as easy to use the rooting hormone, but I often don't bother if I don't have any on hand. And you weren't supposed to look at the tags! I thought of that as I was posting : ). Happy New Year!

    Linda -- Nice that you have't frozen back yet - it's been a strange winter so far. Happy New Year!

  5. You made good choices. I dawdled despite a very late winter and have few new plants started. I did stick potted Lemon Grass inside this afternoon, it is so slow to put out new growth in Spring.

    I never tried rooting Pride of Barbados, I usually start some new from seeds but there are enough well established plants that I think we'll get regrowth unless winter is very brutal in February. I did not root any Brugs this time. Every year is different.

  6. How fun to live in a climate where a greenhouse works so well! I pulled a few plants into my sunroom this year, so I guess that's close to having a greenhouse. ;-) Good luck with your cuttings--they do look very healthy. Happy New Year!


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