Gardening that's not gardening...

It's been too darn hot to garden -- even for me. Temperatures hit 107 more than once in the last week and it's just oppressive.

And, between the heavy blanket of heat and the start of school, I haven't blogged either.

I'm feeling a little disconnected, and looking for ways to get back into some semblance of a routine. Know what I mean? It happens to all of us sometime -- things are just out of sorts.

Last night I went with a group of friends to "Painting with a Twist." It's a group painting class -- they offer a different painting each evening and an instructor guides you from start to finish. Like Bob on the old PBS series -- remember that? I know you watched it! We all did.

So last night we painted "Dancing Sunflowers" which isn't based on a famous painting, but rather a composite that they offer.

We brought food and wine. We laughed and we talked, and we painted!

No surprise that I voted that we go on a night with a garden theme - I did that when I painted pottery past year as well. Guess it's my "thing" when I'm being creative, even in other mediums.

I was pretty happy with my final painting, and it's now hanging on my wall. It's there to remind me of all the beautiful things in my garden, even when I'm not outside to enjoy them.

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