One size fits all...

Well, sometimes one size fits all.  Clearly a Tanner/Dakota sized bed fits Toby "just right!"

We're all working in the garden this afternoon.  Actually, I am the only one working.  The dogs are all lying around, looking for lizards and enjoying the sun.  And I am puttering and doing very little since real work is still kinda out of the question.  (I tried to plant a 4" pot and actually felt it in my abdominal muscles so I figured it's still too soon to do that - don't wanna undo any of the doctor's work!  But don't tell anyone.)

So, I picked up dog poop, disentangled some invasive Cypress Vine from the strawberry shoots in the garden (which are growing like CRAZY) and watered a few things.  Hey - it's something...

But after 9 days of restricted garden activity, I am going nuts.  The weather is perfect and I have soooooo much to do.

Instead, I picked some seeds to bring to our Austin Garden Bloggers little tour tomorrow.  Then I can enjoy someone else's garden and take it easy -- I'm really looking forward to it.
