the other side

I guess these are my stepchildren this week. I've been so focused on the new bed in the front yard that I've hardly set foot out back. My esperanza and variegated ginger are so unbelievably happy with this extended warm weather. I can't imagine that they could get any bigger!
My shade bed gets just enough dappled light to keep growing and blooming. Some day I'd like to plant a Japanese red maple as an understory tree when the oaks grow a little more.
I left a little peat pot with a cypress vine seedling from my Dad sitting next to my tomato plant a few months ago and now these two red beauties are coexisting nicely while climbing up my tomato cage.

BTW, I LOVE these square, folding tomato cages from Gardener's Supply. All my family members that garden got them for gifts this year! They are sturdy and tall and can support these outrageously overgrown tomato plants.
And we're about to have a nice crop of big beefy tomatoes. I'm going to leave them on the vine for one more day -- I'm afraid the birds or bugs will get them -- so I will pick them a little early tomorrow. They'll be mostly-vine-ripened!