I love the long row of crape myrtles that line our driveway. I'm eager for them to begin budding and blooming each Spring, but somehow I am always taken by surprise when their bark begins to peel in that mysterious way that brings us an abstract painting in our garden. Their blooms are so delicate and formal and soft, and the peeling bark offers up a rustic contrast that seems somehow out of place.

I ran my sprinklers last night for the first time in months. And between the sun and the wind and the sprinklers, most of my plants seem to be getting back to what we know as normal in Central Texas, and what they need to thrive in our gardens.

After yesterday's post about the missing blooms, I did see 3 new buds on the Mexican Flame Vine that are almost ready to open. Since we're leaving on vacation next week, I'm sure they are all waiting until I'm gone!
